Raymond J. Robinson
Place of Birth
West Rural St. Andrew, Jamaica
Formal Artistic Training
Edna Manley School Of The Visual Arts
The creative process for me is less about painting pictures, and more about conveying a pure emotion. We all have abstract emotions that we hide.... fear, hate, anger, love etc. I’m not interested in painting pictures, but more about creating mood and feeling. These emotions are grounded in my own life experiences, memories, desires and feelings. I am seeking to convey a point of view, commentary and lend my voice to various subjects I find interesting and worth exploring.
My work and approach has gone through various phases of evolution over the years. The older works used bolder tones and were mainly done using acrylic medium. Newer works demonstrate a departure from stereotypical views that artists should only work in one medium/form/style. I’ve evolved my approach by painting with oil, mixed media, encaustic medium, water color, 2D sculpting and cold wax.
I sometimes approach the canvas with a vacant mind... playing music in the background to get me the inspiration I need. Mind wide open. With this approach, the infinite randomness and chaos of water, pigments, textures and the surface define the painting. In this process I am trying to take the painting to a place where the viewer’s senses can be ignited and they see what they feel. Beauty then is in the mind of the viewer and cannot be defined or intellectualized.
I also sometimes approach the canvas based on an idea... or an image I have sketched during my travels (I have been traveling with sketchbooks for 20 years). Some images live in these sketchbooks and never escape... others emerge and find new life as paintings.
Stir your emotions and immerse your mind’s eye. Enjoy!