Many Shades of Us II


24" X 24"

Mixed Media Oil on Plywood

Raymond Robinson, 2020

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24" X 24"

Mixed Media Oil on Plywood

Raymond Robinson, 2020

24" X 24"

Mixed Media Oil on Plywood

Raymond Robinson, 2020

"Many Shades of Us II" by Raymond J. Robinson

In "Many Shades of Us II," Raymond J. Robinson eloquently deconstructs the boundaries of self and society, presenting a vibrant tapestry of interconnected experiences. This artwork is a meticulous assembly of distinct, color-saturated tiles that come together to craft a harmonious narrative, reflecting the diversity and unity intrinsic to human existence.

Each tile, richly imbued with individual hues of yellows, reds, greens, and blues, embodies a unique story, a fragment of memory, or a sliver of emotion. Robinson's choice of sporadic dark lines and imprints suggests both separation and connection—highlighting our distinct journeys yet emphasizing the underlying threads that bind us together.

The interplay of muted and vivid tones, juxtaposed with the textured strokes and the seemingly weathered effects, encapsulates the myriad of emotions, experiences, and histories that shape our collective consciousness. It's a testament to the fact that while we may be segmented into individual entities, the beauty of humanity lies in the amalgamation of these fragments.

"Many Shades of Us II" invites viewers to lose themselves in its intricate grid, to resonate with its stories, and to celebrate the myriad shades that define and unite us all. It's a vivid reminder that in diversity, there's unity; in contrast, there's harmony.